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Sabtu, 08 Desember 2018

URGENTLY NEEDED - Recruitment at Stamford School / Yayasan Florence | Lowongan Guru BI, Music, Science, Counselor

LowonganNasional.Com - Rekrutment Yayasan Florence / Stamford School. Stamford School is located amongst the lush greenery within the Allegro Altura private estate. This is a 218-hectare area at an elevation of 800 – 1100 meters above sea level. The school is strategically located at Dago Atas in the beautiful, cool and friendly city of Bandung, Indonesia. The founder of the school recognises the importance of having internationally accepted academic qualifications in order to better equip our young people for today’s highly competitive and globalised world. Stamford School was one of the first schools in Bandung to offer Cambridge qualifications for young people in Bandung when it was founded in 2009.

Cambridge qualifications are recognised by the world’s top universities and employers, giving Stamford students a wide range of options in their tertiary education and future career. Universities and employers recognise the learning ability of students with Cambridge qualifications, which set them apart from the rest. Most of our students will be able to read, write and converse in three languages (English, Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia), a skillset that is highly useful when they enter the business/employment force.

Stamford School is an inclusive community and we are very proud of the diversity and togetherness of our students. One of the core values we impart to our students is the importance of building good relationships between everyone who learns and works at the school. That relationship can then be extended to the community outside the school to engage our students better and prepare as they embark on their business/professional careers.

The mission of Stamford School is to nurture our students holistically, prepare them for the future and inculcate the importance of respecting others, self and the environment. We ensure that our students are able to develop aspirations for themselves and for the community, skills that enable them to pursue successful careers,  maintain a burning passion and thirst for learning, as well as a deep-rooted belief that they can achieve and excel in anything that they choose to do.

It is our vision that our students will graduate with Stamford School as aspiring leaders who will contribute not only to the country but to the rest of the world as well. Students of Stamford School receive an excellent education that will sustain them as they move on to further their study in university and commence their business/professional careers. We are fully committed to helping our students to become creative problem-solvers, independent, confident and valuable members of society.

Lowongan Stamford School

1. Guru Bahasa Indonesia


- Male/ Female
- Min. Diploma Degree In Bahasa Indonesia
- Must Have a Teaching Certificate for Bahasa Indonesia
- Min 3 years teaching Bahasa Indonesia using Indonesia Curiculum 2013
- Good personality, communicative, friendly, energetic, comiitted and highly integrity person.

2. Music Teacher


- Male/ Female
- Min. Diploma Degree In Music
- Have a good portofolio in music
- Min 3 years experience at the relevant position
- Good personality, communicative, friendly, energetic, committed, and highly integrity person
- Proficiency in english (Speaking/Listening. Writing and Reading) is a must.

3. School Counselor


- Holds min S1. in Psychology or education counseling
- Two years related experience required; four years of experience preffered
- Proficient in written and spoken english, has teaching and counseling skill
- Required Skills: Has good presonality and character
- Have passion for helping others and must be able to work with people of all races, ages, and cultural background
- Responsible to keep data confidential
- Must be ethical, trustworthy, and able to inspire others
- Able to conducts character development presentation/seminar
- Willing to be place in Bandung, West Java
- Full time position available

4. Science Teacher


- University degree (Minimum S1) in Biology/Physics/Chemistry/ Mathematic or related field.
- Teaching experience at least 3 year.
- Prefer experience with Cambridge Curriculum, IGCSE and ‘A’ level
- Prefer experience with Lesson Plan.
- Proficiency in English (speaking/listening, writing and reading).

Interested applicants should send their CV with latest photograph and cover letter to:


Job location: Bandung, West Java
Deadline: 01 Januari 2019
Bagikan info lowongan ini:

Rekrutmen MAPAN MANAGEMENT TRAINEE BATCH 33 untuk Wilayah Jawa dan Bali

LowonganNasional.Com - Rekrutmen MAPAN MANAGEMENT TRAINEE BATCH 33 untuk Jawa dan Bali. Mapan merupakan perusahaan teknologi berbasis komunitas dengan misi sosial untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah agar dapat hidup mapan dan mempunyai daya saing. Didirikan pada tahun 2009 sebagai RUMA, saat ini Mapan memiliki 1.500.000 anggota, 100+ kantor cabang dan 1500+ karyawan di Jawa dan Bali.

Rekrutmen MAPAN MANAGEMENT TRAINEE BATCH 33 untuk Wilayah Jawa dan Bali

Job Location: Jawa dan Bali | Deadline: 12 Desember 2018

Job Description:

"Bekerja langsung di lapangan untuk membantu masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah memiliki akses hidup mapan"

Program Pengembangan Manajer (MT) adalah program percepatan karir yang bertujuan untuk mencetak pemimpin terbaik Mapan di masa depan. Pemimpin yang diharapkan dapat terjun langsung ke lapangan dan berkontribusi langsung dalam meningkatkan akses, pendapatan juga derajat  masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah.


- Untuk semua jurusan
- Pendidikan terakhir minimum D3
- Menyukai aktivitas lapangan
- Dapat mengendarai kendaraan roda dua
- Tertarik mempelajari bisnis social-enterprise
- Aktif dalam keorganisasian
- Bersedia ditempatkan di area operasional Mapan

Tahapan Seleksi:

1. Isi form online di link berikut http://bit.ly/MTMapan33
2. Seleksi Administrasi
3. Pengundangan Kampus Rekrutmen Melalui Email
4. Kampus Rekrutmen

Lokasi Kampus Rekrutmen Batch 33:

- UNPAD (13 Desember 2018)
- UI (17 Desember 2018) *to be confirmed

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Lowongan PT Lunaria Annua Teknologi | SEO Specialist

LowonganNasional.Com - Lowongan PT Lunaria Annua Teknologi (KoinWorks) | SEO Specialist. KoinWorks is the true leading peer to peer lending company founded to provide accessible and affordable financial solution. We are a true believer of technology and we are making huge steps to automate and potentially cracking an Artificial Intelligence-based solution as parts of our underwriting.

KoinWorks is also one of the earliest Indonesia Fintech Lending companies registered and supervised by Financial Services Authority. Proven as the trend-setter in Indonesian P2P Lending segment and recently awarded the Most Innovative Fintech of the year.

Lowongan PT Lunaria Annua Teknologi | SEO Specialist

Lowongan PT Lunaria Annua Teknologi | SEO Specialist


Job Location: Jakarta | Deadline: 30 Desember 2018

Job Description: We are looking for SEO Specialist to boost up our campaign and businesses. If you have solid knowledge of conversion, content marketing, and online customer acquisition, please don’t hesitate to join us.


- Execute tests, collect and analyze data and results, identify trends and insights in order to achieve maximum ROI in organic search campaigns
- Track, report, and analyze website analytics and PPC initiatives and campaigns
- Analyzing keywords and SEO techniques used by competitors
- Optimize content, copy and landing pages for SEO & SEM
- Perform ongoing keyword discovery, expansion and optimization
- Writing effective SEO content for blogs, websites and social media accounts
- Research and implement search engine optimization recommendations
- Research and analyze competitor keywords, rank, organic backlinks and advertising links
- Develop and implement link building strategy
- Work with the development team to ensure SEO best practices are properly implemented on newly developed code
- Work with editorial and marketing teams to drive SEO in content creation and content programming
- Recommend changes to website architecture, content, linking and other factors to improve SEO positions for target keywords.


- Proven SEO experience
- In-depth knowledge on keyword research
- Additional SEM experience managing PPC campaigns across Google, Yahoo and Bing is not required but a plus
- Solid understanding of content marketing, performance marketing, conversion, and online customer acquisition
- In-depth experience with website analytics tools (e.g, Google Analytics)
- In-depth experience with SEO tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, Google Search Console, BuzzSumo, UberSuggest, Google Keyword Planner Tool, etc
- Experience with Content Management System WordPress to manage blog’s SEO
- Experience with A/B and multivariate experiments
- Working knowledge of WordPress framework, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development and constraints
- Knowledge of ranking factors and search engine algorithms
- Up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in SEO and SEM

If you think the above sounds fascinating, don't hesitate to apply and send us your latest CV and portfolio to hr@koinworks.com.
Bagikan info lowongan ini:

Lowongan Engineering - Artificial Intelligence di PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia

LowonganNasional.Com - Lowongan Engineering di PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia. Kami adalah Perusahaan Astra Group yang memproduksi komponen transmisi dan komponen mesin dengan teknologi tinggi yang sangat presisi dan akurat untuk kendaraan roda dua atau roda empat dengan pasar tujuan domestik atau ekspor.

Kantor pusat berlokasi di Jepang dan telah memiliki 16 Cabang di seluruh dunia. Kami juga telah mendapatkan standar Internasional dalam mutu, lingkungan, kesehatan & keselamatan kerja yaitu: ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001.

Lowongan Engineering - Artificial Intelligence di PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia

Lowongan Engineering - Artificial Intelligence di PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia

Job Location: Cikarang atau Karawang | Deadline: 05 Januari 2019

Job Description: Menangani project integrasi antara mesin produksi dengan program kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence)

Responsibility: Melaksanakan pembuatan design dan pemasangan sistem mekanik, sistem elektrik, program mesin serta otomatisasi mesin-mesin produksi.


1. Laki-laki
2. Umur minimal 20 Tahun
3. Lulus Diploma III s.d.  S2 (Informatika, Mesin, Elektro, Matematika)
4. Fresh Graduate atau pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
5. Memiliki kemampuan :
- Computer vision algorithms
- Time series data analysis algorithms
- Computer language Phyton C, C++
6. Lebih disukai bila pernah menangani project yang berhubungan dengan robotic atau artifical Intelligence
7. Bersedia ditempatkan di Cikarang atau Karawang

Lamaran dan CV lengkap dikirim ke email : hr.recruitment@musashi.co.id 
Dengan judul e-mail: ENGINEERING
Bagikan info lowongan ini:

Sabtu, 17 November 2018

Karir Expo Semarang November 2018

LowonganNasional.Com - Karir Expo Semarang November 2018. Hadirilah Karir Expo Semarang pada tanggal 28-29 November 2018. Bertempat di Gedung Rimba Graha, Semarang pukul 09.00 - 16.00 WIB. 

Gratis! Cukup daftarkan diri anda melalui link dibawah ini:


Info lebih lanjut follow Instagram @karirexpo

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LowonganNasional.Com - UNIKA JOB FAIR November 2018. Hadirilah UNIKA Job Fair yang akan diadakan pada tanggal 22-23 November 2018.

Tempat: Auditorium Gd. Albertus Lt.3, Unika Soegijapranata, Semarang
Waktu: 09.00 - 15.00 WIB
Harga Tiket Masuk: GRATIS!

Buat kalian yang sedang mencari pekerjaan bisa datang ke Unika Job Fair XXVIII

Jangan lupa agendakan acaranya:

Tanggal 22-23 November 2018
Pukul 09.00-15.00 WIB
Bertempat di Auditorium Gd. Albertus Lt. 3, Unika Soegijapranata

Daftar perusahaan peserta:

- Bank BCA
- Bank Sinarmas
- Honda
- Bukit Perak
- Tong Tji
- Duniatex
- Kospin Jasa
- Getsmany
- Polytron
- Metrodata
- Propan
- Bina Talenta Graha
- Artaboga
- Ace Hardware
- Wings Group
- Visionet, dll

Pendaftaran melalui form bit.ly/JOBFAIRXXVIII

Info dan kontak:

Facebook: Sscc Soegijapranata
Website: unika.ac.id
Bagikan info lowongan ini:

Rekrutmen Primebiz Hotel di Tegal | Lowongan Supervisor dan Attendant

LowonganNasional.Com - Rekrutmen Primebiz Tegal Hotel. Primebiz is an international three-star hotel which is under management of Prime Plaza Hotels & Resorts. With the concept of smart hotels and equipped with comfortable amenities and Indonesian hospitality services, is looking for highly motivated candidate to join our team with details below:
Rekrutmen Primebiz Tegal Hotel

FB Captain (FBC)
F & B Attendant (FBA)
Engineering Attendant (EA)


- High learning motivated
- Service oriented
- Well groomed
- Relevant education background with the position applied
- Fluent English

Special Requirements:

- Minimum 1 year experience in similar position in Hospitality Industry (HK SPV, FBC, FO SPV)

Complete CV and recent photograph should be sent by email to:

size of attachment max 500KB

Before November 30, 2018

Please write position code in your email subject, for example: FBC
All applications will be treated confidentially and only qualified candidates will be notified

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Jumat, 16 November 2018

Lowongan Audit Internal PT Wahana Polimer Indonesia

LowonganNasional.Com - Lowongan Audit Internal di PT Wahana Polimer Indonesia, Kediri. Dibutuhkan tenaga profesional muda untuk berkarir sebagai:

Lowongan Audit Internal PT Wahana Polimer Indonesia


Klasifikasi yang dibutuhkan:

a. D3/S1 Accounting
b. Cewek, usia max 30 tahun
c. Mahir Ms Office terutama Excel dan Word
d. Pernah bekerja di perusahaan produksi 1 tahun
e. Bisa membuat laporan trial balance
f. Memiliki analisis dan pemecahan masalah yang baik
g. Bisa berkomunikasi dan presentasi dengan baik
h. Mengerti tentang pajak dan mempunyai sertifikat brevet A dan B lebih diutamakan
i. Mempunyai pengalaman audit lebih diutamakan
j. Domisili area Kediri

Bagi yang memenuhi klasifikasi, silahkan kirim lamaran anda ke:

Jl. Mauni No.85 Kel. Bangsal, Kec. Pesantren, Kota Kediri

atau dapat juga melalui email: hr.wapolin@gmail.com

Ditunggu paling lambat 6 Desember 2018
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