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Sabtu, 17 November 2018

Rekrutmen Primebiz Hotel di Tegal | Lowongan Supervisor dan Attendant

LowonganNasional.Com - Rekrutmen Primebiz Tegal Hotel. Primebiz is an international three-star hotel which is under management of Prime Plaza Hotels & Resorts. With the concept of smart hotels and equipped with comfortable amenities and Indonesian hospitality services, is looking for highly motivated candidate to join our team with details below:
Rekrutmen Primebiz Tegal Hotel

FB Captain (FBC)
F & B Attendant (FBA)
Engineering Attendant (EA)


- High learning motivated
- Service oriented
- Well groomed
- Relevant education background with the position applied
- Fluent English

Special Requirements:

- Minimum 1 year experience in similar position in Hospitality Industry (HK SPV, FBC, FO SPV)

Complete CV and recent photograph should be sent by email to:

size of attachment max 500KB

Before November 30, 2018

Please write position code in your email subject, for example: FBC
All applications will be treated confidentially and only qualified candidates will be notified

Bagikan info lowongan ini:

Lokasi: Tegal, Tegal City, Central Java, Indonesia

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