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Senin, 12 November 2018

Job Vacancy at PT Ciheul Teknologi Indonesia as a Web Developer

LowonganNasional.Com - Job Vacancy at PT Ciheul Teknologi Indonesia as a Web Developer. Ciheul Technologies is and always will be an engineering company. We offer solution for our clients' business need so that they have a better understanding to make a decision. Our core competencies are Enterprise Solution, Mobile Application, and Managed Services. Join us and show the best of you and make an impact to the world!

lowongan web developer

Urgently required: Contract for 3 months. Selected candidate must work together at our office. This job suits whoever needs more experience to shape their skill.


Job location: Bandung | Deadline: 14 November 2018

Job Description:

- Design and analyze system to meet clients' requirements
- Develop web application with REST API
- Testing and maintaining code to ensure system running with no bugs
- Working together in a team with varied skillsets


- Fresh graduate on Informatics, Computer Science, or Computer Engineering
- Experience in PHP
- Experience in jQuery
- Experience in MySQL/PostgreSQL
- Experience in HTML and CSS
- Love to learn


- Experience in CSS Framework (Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Foundation, etc)
- Experience in Source Code Version Control in a good way (Ex: Git)
- Experience in Test-Driven Development (TDD)
- Familiar with REST API

Range Salary: Rp. 3.100.000 - Rp. 3.500.000

Other information:

Benefit: Flexible Time, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance

If you are interested to join the team who loves to challenge himself, please send your email to:

hrd@ciheul.com or check out our website at: http://www.ciheul.com
Bagikan info lowongan ini:

Lokasi: Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia

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