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Rabu, 14 Juni 2017

Lowongan Distributor Claim Processor PT. Mead Johnson Indonesia

LowonganNasional.Com - Lowongan Distributor Claim Processor PT. Mead Johnson Indonesia. Kesempatan kerja sebagai Distibutor Claim Processor (Contract Based - Temporary 4 months). Informasinya sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Distributor Claim Processor PT. Mead Johnson Indonesia

Job responsibility: To process and verify expense claims from distributor in accordance with Company's BCC B-RITE compliance guidelines and comply with CAVR (completeness, accuracy, validity and restricted)

- Ensure that all distributors and retailers GTN claims are reviewed timely and effectively in accordance with Company's BCC B-RITE compliance guidelines. Any identified issues are immediately reported to Finance management.
- Ensure that all claims are being processed in Vistex max 30 days after claim invoice received, and comply with CAVR.
- Follow up pending claim to Area Sales Manager and distributor and ensure the claim could be processed within 30 days.
- Update weekly claim reports to Trade Promo Processing & Analyst.
- Perform the claim expense accrual through Vistex system in SAP at the end of the month to support the monthly closing.

General Requirements:

1. Bachelor's Degree, preferably Accounting background
2. At least 6 months experience in administration or other functions related to sales
3. Able to work in fast-paced and multi-task environment. Show sense of urgency and work proactively in using Microsoft Office

If you are interested, send your CV to dian.halimah@mjn.com with subject: Distributor Claim Processor - Your Name, no later than June 30, 2017.
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Lokasi: Jakarta, Indonesia

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