LowonganNasional.Com - Lowongan Recruitment Officer Mandiri Tunas Finance Jakarta. PT. Mandiri Tunas Finance is a multifinance company that is subsidiary in the Group of Bank Mandiri and Tunas Ridean, they are looking for talented Psychology fresh graduate to become their future leaders. Mandiri Tunas Finance invites you to join as Recruitment Officer.
Penempatan: Jakarta
- Responsible for recruitment and selection process from sourcing to hiring.
- Responsible for filling and documentation Recruitment adinistration process.
- Making reports of Recruitment Activity
- Responsible for looking the sourse of the candidates and maintain the database of the candidates.
- Candidate minimum Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with GPA 2,75 from scale of 4
- Competent in Recruitment & Selection Process (Sourcing Strategy, Recruitment Tools, Behavioural Interview, etc).
- Familiar with various recruitment and assessment tools and having experience in conducting Psychological Test, scoring & Psychological report
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Excellent administrative skills
- Computer literate (Ms. Word, Power Point, Excel)
Only qualified candidates will be proceed.
Interested candidates may submit their application along with their latest resume, photograph and other supporting documents and state the position applied via website: