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Minggu, 18 Juni 2017

Recruitment for Full-time Contract Translators and Instructors at Yogyakarta State University (UNY)

LowonganNasional.Com - Recruitment for Full-time Contract Translators and Instructors at Yogyakarta State University (UNY). Yogyakarta State University is seeking seven full-time contract translators (instructors) for its Centre for Language Development of Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance (IEDQA).

Recruitment for Full-time Contract Translators and Instructors at Yogyakarta State University (UNY)


1. Holding a Master's Degree in English Language Education or in Applied Linguistics.
2. Having a good command of English (TOEFL ITP score >= 575, IELTS >= 6,5, or IBT >= 90).
3. Possessing excellent skills in translating academic articles and documents from Bahasa Indonesia into English.
4. Having excellent computer skills.
5. Being able to teach English to adults and develop learning materials.
6. Graduating from a university in an English-speaking country is an advantage.

Please submit your application letter and a copy of the Master's Degree certificate, academic transcript, and other relevant supporting documents / certificates no later than 16 June 2017 to:

Centre for Language development
2nd floor, LPPMP Building, Yogyakarta State University
Karangmalang, Yogyakarta

Selection stages:

1. Short listed applicants announced : 19 June 2017 (15.00)
2. English proficiency test, translation test, and teaching skills test : 21 June 2017 (07.30 - 16.00
3. Interview : 22 June 2017 (09.00 - 15.00)
4. Announcement of the accepted applicants : 5 July 2017 (15.00)

The results of each selection stage will be available on p2b.lppmp.uny.ac.id.

For further information please contact Ihtiara Fitrianingsih on (+62 274) 550844 or at p2b@uny.ac.id
Bagikan info lowongan ini:

Lokasi: Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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