LowonganNasional.Com - Rekrutmen Customer Service Class Program PT. Bank Permata Tbk. This is a 6 months structured training program involving class room, on-the –job learning and coaching by subject matter experts with an objective of developing necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a career in Banking Customer Servicing. A successful trainee will be ready to perform the role of Banking Customer Service, representing the Bank as its front-end in handling various customer inquiries confidently, maintaining satisfactory customer service and relationship, and providing fast solution to customers.
- Max 25 tahun
- Minimum D3, min IPK 2,75
- Memiliki semangat tinggi dan jiwa melayani
- Memiliki personality yang menyenangkan, dengan komunikasi baik dan dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik
Bila anda memenuhi kriteria diatas, kirimkan lamaran anda melalui email:
recruitment@permatabank.co.id (maximum file size 500 kb)
Subject : Position_name . Contoh: CS Class Program_Dwi Amara
Deadline: 31 Agustus 2017. Only qualified candidates will be called for online test.