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Senin, 29 Mei 2017

Toyota Astra Finance Development Program - Management Trainee S1 All Major

LowonganNasional.Com - Toyota Astra Finance Development Program - Management Trainee S1 All Major. Toyota Astra Financial Services is a fast growing company, joint venture between Toyota Financial Services Corp. Japan and PT. Astra International Tbk., which focuses on automotive finance throughout Indonesia. PT. Toyota Astra Financial Services is now recruiting for the position: Toyota Astra Finance Development Program (TADP) / Management Trainee (MT). The 9 months program will prepare you to become operational leaders. You have to show excellent qualities in learning, planning, and leading to be qualified to join the program.

Toyota Astra Finance Development Program - Management Trainee S1 All Major

- Bachelor's Degree, any major
- Age not more than 26
- Continuous learning team player
- Good communication
- High achievement
- Fresh graduate from reputable university
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- Eager to be assigned at any region in Indonesia

Please send your application online via APPLY NOW below

Deadline: June 25, 2017
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Lokasi: Indonesia

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